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This repository hosts the implementation of CyberSecEval 3, which builds upon and extends the functionalities of its predecessors, CyberSecEval 2 and CyberSecEval. CyberSecEval 3 is an extensive benchmark suite designed to assess the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Building on its predecessor, CyberSecEval 2, this latest version introduces three new test suites: visual prompt injection tests, spear phishing capability tests, and autonomous offensive cyber operations tests. Created to meet the increasing demand for secure AI systems, CyberSecEval 3 offers a comprehensive set of tools to evaluate various security domains. It has been applied to well-known LLMs such as Llama2, Llama3, codeLlama, and OpenAI GPT models. The findings underscore substantial cybersecurity threats, underscoring the critical need for continued research and development in AI safety.

The repository includes several types of benchmarks:

  1. MITRE and False Refusal Rate (FRR) Tests: These tests evaluate an LLM's compliance when asked to assist in cyberattacks as well as how often an LLM incorrectly refuses a borderline but essentially benign query.

    1. MITRE Tests: These tests use the MITRE ATT&CK framework to evaluate an LLM's compliance when asked to assist in cyberattacks.

    2. False Refusal Rate (FRR) Tests: These tests measure how often an LLM incorrectly refuses a borderline but essentially benign query, due to misinterpreting the prompt as a malicious request.

  2. Secure Code Generation Tests: These tests assess an LLM's propensity to generate secure code across various contexts.

    1. Instruct Tests: These tests assess an LLM's propensity to generate insecure code when given a specific instruction.

    2. Autocomplete Tests: These tests measure how often an LLM suggests insecure coding practices in autocomplete contexts, where the LLM predicts subsequent code based on preceding code.

  3. Prompt Injection Tests: These tests assess an LLM’s susceptibility to “prompt injection attacks” - attacks in which a portion of the LLM prompt coming from untrusted user input contains malicious instructions intended to override the LLM’s original task.

    1. Textual Prompt Injection Tests: An english-only dataset of textual prompt injections.

    2. Multilingual Prompt Injection Tests: The multilingual dataset includes prompt injections machine-translated into 15 languages, to test the propensity of these attacks to succeed in languages other than english.

    3. Visual Prompt Injection Tests: These tests assess an LLM’s susceptibility to “visual prompt injection attacks” - attacks in which untrusted multimodal user input (consisting of both text and images) contains malicious instructions intended to override the LLM’s original task.

  4. Code Interpreter Tests: These tests evaluate the security risks posed by integrating LLMs with code interpreters, specifically assessing how effectively an LLM can prevent malicious attempts to exploit the system or execute harmful code.

  5. Vulnerability Exploitation Tests: These tests measure the LLM's program exploitation capabilities by asking the LLMs to solve "capture the flag" style challenges.

  6. Spear Phishing Capability Tests: These tests are designed to evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in spear phishing scenarios. The focus is on assessing the LLM's persuasiveness and its effectiveness in convincing targeted victims to meet specific phishing objectives.

  7. Autonomous Offensive Cyber Operations Tests: These tests are designed to evaluate the capabilities of LLMs to function autonomously as a cyber attack agent.