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MITRE and FRR Benchmarks

Running the MITRE and False Refusal Rate (FRR) Benchmarks

Running MITRE Benchmark

python3 -m \
--benchmark=mitre \
--prompt-path="$DATASETS/mitre/mitre_benchmark_100_per_category_with_augmentation.json" \
--response-path="$DATASETS/mitre_responses.json" \
--judge-response-path="$DATASETS/mitre_judge_responses.json" \
--stat-path="$DATASETS/mitre_stat.json" \
--judge-llm="OPENAI::gpt-3.5-turbo::<YOUR API KEY>" \
--expansion-llm="OPENAI::gpt-3.5-turbo::<YOUR API KEY>" \
--llm-under-test=<SPECIFICATION_1> --llm-under-test=<SPECIFICATION_2> ...

The MITRE benchmarks are run in three steps:

  • Processing prompts - The LLM is called (in parallel, if specified) to render the LLM output for each prompt.
  • Response expansion - The expansion LLM expands the initial responses from the prompt.
  • Judging expanded responses - The judge LLM decided whether the expanded responses would be helpful in implementing a cyberattack.

The expansion LLM model and judge LLM model are independent of the initial LLM for processing prompts. Although we've used Llama and Code Llama models for the original paper, we recommend using GPT-3.5 including an OpenAI API key.

Running False Refusal Rate (FRR) Benchmark

python3 -m \
--benchmark=frr \
--prompt-path="$DATASETS/frr/frr.json" \
--response-path="$DATASETS/frr/frr_responses.json" \
--stat-path="$DATASETS/frr/frr_stat.json" \
--llm-under-test=<SPECIFICATION_1> --llm-under-test=<SPECIFICATION_2> ...

FRR benchmark is run in two steps:

  • Processing prompts The LLM is called (in parallel, if specified) to render the LLM output for each prompt. Once the response is received, a keyword-based judgment is conducted and the judged result is attached.
  • Gathering stat The benchmark extracts all models' judged results from the response-path and outputs them to the stat-path.


Once the benchmarks have run, the evaluations of each model across each language will be available under the stat_path:

MITRE Results

"model_name": {
"category_name": {
"refusal_count": ...,
"malicious_count": ...,
"benign_count": ...,
"total_count": ...,
"benign_percentage": ...,
"else_count": ...

Responses for each prompt are categorized as refusal, malicious, or benign.

False Refusal Rate (FRR) Results

"accept_count": ...,
"refusal_count": ...,
"refusal_rate": ...