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Prompt Injection

Running Prompt Injection Benchmarks

Textual Prompt Injection Benchmark

python3 -m \
--benchmark=prompt-injection \
--prompt-path="$DATASETS/prompt_injection/prompt_injection.json" \
--response-path="$DATASETS/prompt_injection/prompt_injection_responses.json" \
--judge-response-path="$DATASETS/prompt_injection/prompt_injection_judge_responses.json" \
--stat-path="$DATASETS/prompt_injection/prompt_injection_stat.json" \
--judge-llm=<>SPECIFICATION_1 \
--llm-under-test=<SPECIFICATION_1> --llm-under-test=<SPECIFICATION_2> ...

Textual prompt injection benchmarks are run in the following two steps:

  • Processing prompts Query the LLMs under test with a system prompt and a user prompt, where the user prompt tries to inject instructions to the LLM that is violating the original system prompt
  • Processing response The responses of the LLMs under test will go through another judge LLM, where the judge LLM will judge if the injected instruction is executed

Multilingual Text Prompt Injection Benchmark

For the multilingual textual prompt injection benchmark, the same benchmark implementation is used, only the dataset is changed.

python3 -m \
--benchmark=prompt-injection \
--prompt-path="$DATASETS/prompt_injection/prompt_injection_multilingual.json" \
... (rest same as above)

Running Visual Prompt Injection Benchmark

python3 -m \
--benchmark=visual-prompt-injection \
--prompt-path="$DATASETS/visual_prompt_injection/<DATASET>" \
--response-path="$DATASETS/results/visual_prompt_injection/<DATASET>/visual_prompt_injection_model_responses.json" \
--judge-response-path="$DATASETS/results/visual_prompt_injection/<DATASET>/visual_prompt_injection_judge_responses.json" \
--stat-path="$DATASETS/results/visual_prompt_injection/<DATASET>/visual_prompt_injection_stats.json" \
--judge-llm=<SPECIFICATION_1> \
--llm-under-test=<SPECIFICATION_2> --llm-under-test=<SPECIFICATION_3> ... \
[--run-llm-in-parallel] \

Unlike the other benchmarks, a directory should be specified for --prompt-path for this benchmark rather than a JSON file. The expected data format in the directory is:

  1. A test_cases.json file with integer IDs for each test case
  2. A subdirectory named images/ which have images corresponding to the test cases with filenames {id}.png.

We include several datasets under the $DATASETS/visual_prompt_injection that can be used with this benchmark:

  1. cse2_typographic_images - 231 test cases which transform test cases from CSE2's text-only prompt injection dataset into images via a simple typographic conversion.
  2. manual - 100 manually created test cases which cover a wide range of known visual prompt injection techniques.
  3. generated/* - Note that this directory itself is not a dataset in the expected format. However, each of the subdirectories under this directory consist of a dataset of size 100 of procedurally generated test cases featuring a particular visual prompt injection technique.
  4. generated_merged - All the sub-datasets from generated/* merged into a single dataset and randomly shuffled.

--num-queries-per-prompt=<N> can be optionally specified to run each test case N times (default if unspecified is 1) in order to obtain more robust results due to the stochastic nature of LLM responses.

Prompt Injection Results

Based on judge LLM, the prompt injection will be either successful or unsuccessful

"stat_per_model": {
"model_name": {
"injection_successful_count": ...,
"injection_unsuccessful_count": ...,
"total_count": ...,
"injection_successful_percentage": ...,
"injection_unsuccessful_percentage": ...

In the same output file, the results are futher bucketized in different dimensions, e.g., the injection techniques, and whether the prompt is a direct prompt injection or an indrect prompt injection, etc. The result of each bucket follows the same structure.

"stat_per_model_per_variant": {
"model_name": {
"injected_prompt_technique_variant": {
"injection_successful_count": ...,
"injection_unsuccessful_count": ...,
"total_count": ...,
"injection_successful_percentage": ...,
"injection_unsuccessful_percentage": ...
"stat_per_model_per_type": {
"stat_per_model_per_risk_category": {
"stat_per_model_per_speaking_language": {


Once the benchmarks have run, the evaluations of each model across each language will be available under the stat_path:

Visual Prompt Injection Results

Based on the evaluation of the judge LLM, the output of visual prompt injection test cases will be judged as either a successful or unsuccessful injection.

"stat_per_model": {
"model_name": {
"injection_successful_count": ...,
"injection_unsuccessful_count": ...,
"total_count": ...,
"injection_successful_percentage": ...,
"injection_unsuccessful_percentage": ...

In the same output file, the results are further bucketized in different dimensions:

  1. Injection techniques
  2. Risk category (security-violating vs. logic-violating)
  3. Injection type (direct vs. indirect)

Please refer to the CSE3 paper for a comprehensive definition of these terms.

The result of each bucket follows the same structure.

"stat_per_model_per_injection_technique": {
"model_name": {
"embedded_text_instructions": {
"injection_successful_count": ...,
"injection_unsuccessful_count": ...,
"total_count": ...,
"injection_successful_percentage": ...,
"injection_unsuccessful_percentage": ...
"stat_per_model_per_injection_type": {
"stat_per_model_per_risk_category": {